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Tổng hợp bài tập liên từ lớp 6 đầy đủ các dạng - có đáp án

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Liên từ là chủ điểm ngữ pháp trong chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 6. Tuy nhiên, sử dụng liên từ hiệu quả không phải là điều dễ dàng. Hiểu được điều này, IELTS LangGo tổng hợp đầy đủ các dạng bài tập liên từ lớp 6 cùng với đáp án chi tiết sẽ là "cẩm nang" đắc lực giúp các bạn chinh phục chủ đề này một cách tự tin và hiệu quả.

1. Tổng hợp về lý thuyết liên từ lớp 6

Liên từ (conjunction) là từ hoặc cụm từ dùng để nối các từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề hoặc câu lại với nhau; từ đó giúp câu văn mạch lạc và rõ ràng hơn.

1.1. Các liên từ trong tiếng Anh và cách dùng

Liên từ trong tiếng Anh được chia thành ba loại chính: liên từ kết hợp (coordinating conjunctions), liên từ phụ thuộc (subordinating conjunctions), và liên từ tương quan (correlative conjunctions).

Trong chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 6, các bạn sẽ được tìm hiểu về liên từ kết hợp. 

Liên từ kết hợp dùng để nối hai từ, cụm từ, hoặc mệnh đề độc lập có vị trí ngữ pháp tương đương nhau. Các liên từ kết hợp thường gặp bao gồm: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Dưới đây là bảng tổng hợp các liên từ kết hợp, cách dùng và ví dụ:

Liên từ kết hợp

Cách dùng

Ví dụ


Giải thích lý do

I couldn't finish my homework for I ran out of time. (Tôi không thể hoàn thành bài tập về nhà vì hết giờ.)


Nối kết, bổ sung

We need to be both intelligent and hardworking to succeed in life. (Chúng ta cần phải vừa thông minh và chăm chỉ để thành công trong cuộc sống.)


Phủ định bổ sung

The movie was not only boring but also predictable. (Bộ phim không chỉ nhàm chán mà còn dễ đoán.)


Đối lập, tương phản

I wanted to go to the party, but I had to work late. (Tôi muốn đi dự tiệc, nhưng tôi phải làm việc muộn.)


Đưa ra lựa chọn

I wanted to go to the party, but I had to work late. (Tôi muốn đi dự tiệc, nhưng tôi phải làm việc muộn.)


Bất ngờ, trái ngược dự đoán

She is rich and famous, yet she is still humble. (Cô ấy giàu có và nổi tiếng, nhưng cô ấy vẫn khiêm tốn.)


Kết quả, hệ quả

He practiced his English every day, so he became fluent. (Anh ấy luyện tiếng Anh hàng ngày, do đó anh ấy trở nên trôi chảy.)

1.2. 3 nguyên tắc đặt dấu khi dùng liên từ kết hợp 

Trong phần này, IELTS LangGo sẽ cung cấp 3 nguyên tắc đơn giản nhưng hiệu quả để đặt dấu phẩy chính xác làm bài tập liên từ lớp 6: 

3 nguyên tắc đặt dấu khi dùng liên từ kết hợp
3 nguyên tắc đặt dấu khi dùng liên từ kết hợp

Nguyên tắc 1: Sử dụng dấu phẩy khi nối hai mệnh đề hoàn chỉnh:

Khi hai mệnh đề độc lập được nối bằng liên từ kết hợp, ta cần đặt dấu phẩy trước liên từ.

Ví dụ:

  • I woke up early this morning, but I still felt tired. (Tôi thức dậy sớm sáng nay, nhưng tôi vẫn cảm thấy mệt mỏi.)
  • She studied hard for the exam, so she got a high score. (Cô ấy học tập chăm chỉ cho kỳ thi, nên cô ấy đạt điểm cao.)

Nguyên tắc 2: Bỏ dấu phẩy khi nối hai cụm từ hoặc từ:

Khi liên từ kết hợp nối hai cụm từ hoặc từ (mệnh đề không hoàn chỉnh), ta không cần đặt dấu phẩy trước liên từ.

Ví dụ:

  • I like reading books and watching movies. (Tôi thích đọc sách và xem phim.)
  • You can choose between coffee or tea. (Bạn có thể chọn cà phê hoặc trà.)

Nguyên tắc 3: Dấu phẩy khi nối ba từ hoặc cụm từ trở lên:

Khi liên từ kết hợp nối ba từ hoặc cụm từ trở lên, ta cần đặt dấu phẩy trước mỗi từ/cụm từ.

Dấu phẩy trước từ/cụm từ cuối cùng có thể có hoặc không.

Ví dụ:

  • I went to the store to buy milk, eggs, and bread. (Tôi đã đi đến cửa hàng để mua sữa, trứng và bánh mì.)
  • She enjoys painting, dancing, and singing. (Cô ấy thích vẽ tranh, khiêu vũ và ca hát.)

2. Bài tập liên từ lớp 6 - có đáp án

Trong phần này, hãy cùng IELTS LangGo thực hành các bài tập liên từ lớp 6 để nắm chắc kiến thức về liên từ nhé! 

Bài tập liên từ lớp 6 - có đáp án
Bài tập liên từ lớp 6 - có đáp án

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. She likes both classical music __________ pop songs, so her playlist is quite diverse.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

2. He was very hungry, __________ he didn’t have any money to buy food.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) because

3. I can’t decide if I should buy the red shirt __________ the blue one.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

4. We were tired, __________ we continued to walk until we found a place to rest.

a) but

b) so

c) or

d) because

5. She wanted to read a book, __________ she couldn’t find her glasses.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

6. They will go swimming __________ they finish their homework.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) after

7. I enjoy both hiking __________ cycling on the weekends.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

8. He can speak Spanish, __________ he cannot write it well.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

9. We could go to the zoo __________ the amusement park, depending on what the kids prefer.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

10. She’s very talented, __________ she still needs more practice to perfect her skills.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

11. You should bring a jacket __________ it gets cold later in the evening.

a) but

b) because

c) or

d) in case

12. He was tired, __________ he decided to go to bed early.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

13. We can visit the museum __________ we have enough time.

a) and

b) but

c) if

d) or

14. She wants to travel to France, __________ she’s learning French.

a) so

b) but

c) or

d) and

15. They both love reading, __________ they have a large collection of books at home.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

16. He didn’t like the movie, __________ he thought the acting was good.

a) but

b) because

c) so

d) or

17. We could watch a movie __________ play a game tonight.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

18. She studies a lot, __________ she always gets good grades.

a) and

b) so

c) or

d) but

19. I like to draw __________ paint in my free time.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) so

20. He’s allergic to cats, __________ he still loves them very much.

a) and

b) but

c) or

d) because

Bài 2:  Viết lại câu sử dụng liên từ but, and, or, so

1. He likes to read books. He likes to watch movies.

→ ________________________________________________.

2. She wanted to buy a dress. She didn't have enough money.

→ ________________________________________________.

3. We can go to the park. We can go to the museum.

→ ________________________________________________.

4. The weather was cold. We decided to stay indoors.

→ ________________________________________________.

5. He is very talented. He is still humble.

→ ________________________________________________.

6. You can have coffee. You can have tea.

→ ________________________________________________.

7. She was hungry. She made a sandwich.

→ ________________________________________________.

8. The car is old. It runs very well.

→ ________________________________________________.

9. He studied hard. He passed the exam.

→ ________________________________________________.

10. I wanted to go for a walk. It started raining.

→ ________________________________________________.

11. She loves painting. She loves drawing.

→ ________________________________________________.

12. The cake was delicious. The cake was beautifully decorated.

→ ________________________________________________.

13. He wanted to play soccer. His friends wanted to play basketball.

→ ________________________________________________.

14. She was very tired. She kept working.

→ ________________________________________________.

15.We could stay home. We could go out.

→ ________________________________________________.

16. He is intelligent. He is hardworking.

→ ________________________________________________.

17. They were late. They missed the bus.

→ ________________________________________________.

18. She enjoys singing. She enjoys dancing.

→ ________________________________________________.

19.He tried hard. He didn’t succeed.

→ ________________________________________________.

20. I can go to the store. I can wait for you here.

→ ________________________________________________.

Bài 3: Điền liên từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống

  1. He wanted to buy a new car, _________ he didn't have enough money. (and, but, or)

  2. She loves to read books, _________ she doesn't have much free time. (yet, and, or)

  3. You can have ice cream, _________ you can have cake for dessert. (but, and, or)

  4. He was very tired, _________ he continued to work. (so, but, and)

  5. They wanted to go to the beach, _________ it was raining heavily. (so, but, for)

  6. She likes playing tennis, _________ she enjoys swimming as well. (and, but, or)

  7. He can play the guitar, _________ he can sing beautifully. (but, or, and)

  8. We wanted to visit the museum, _________ it was closed. (so, and, but)

  9. She was hungry, _________ she ate a sandwich. (but, or, so)

  10. He tried his best, _________ he couldn’t solve the problem. (but, so, and)

Bài 4: Điền các liên từ thích hợp trong bảng sau vào chỗ trống

and / or / but / so / yet / nor

  1. Would you like tea ______ coffee?

  2. She was tired ______ she went to bed early.

  3. The weather was cold ______ we wore our jackets.

  4. He likes to play soccer ______ he doesn't like to play basketball.

  5. We can go to the zoo ______ the park.

  6. She enjoys reading books ______ writing stories.

  7. I was hungry, ______ I made a sandwich.

  8. He is tall ______ strong.

  9. They wanted to play outside, ______ it started raining.

  10. You can have apples ______ oranges for a snack.

  11. She wanted to go to the party, ______ she didn't have a dress to wear.

  12. He didn’t study for the exam, ______ he failed.

  13. The soup is hot ______ delicious.

  14. She can neither sing ______ dance.

  15. I want to buy a new car, ______ I don't have enough money.

  16. He works hard, ______ he doesn’t earn much.

  17. She wanted to join the club, ______ she was too shy to ask.

  18. I like chocolate, ______ I don't like vanilla.

  19. We need to leave now, ______ we will be late.

  20. He is very talented, ______ he is not confident.

Bài 5: Điền liên từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để tạo thành đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh

Đoạn 1: I wanted to go for a walk, ______ it started raining heavily. I waited for a while, ______ the rain didn’t stop. Finally, I decided to take an umbrella, ______ I didn’t want to miss my daily exercise. I put on my raincoat, ______ I stepped outside. It was still raining, ______ I enjoyed the fresh air.

Đoạn 2: My friend loves to play the guitar, ______ he practices every day. He has become quite good, ______ he can now play many songs. Sometimes, he invites me to sing along, ______ I don’t have a great voice. We have fun together, ______ it’s a nice way to spend the evening.

Đoạn 3: I have two favorite hobbies: reading ______ gardening. Reading is relaxing, ______ it allows me to escape into different worlds. Gardening, on the other hand, is very rewarding, ______ it lets me see the fruits of my labor. I usually read in the morning, ______ I work in my garden in the afternoon. Both hobbies keep me busy, ______ they also help me to relax.

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. We can either go to the beach __________ to the mountains for vacation, depending on the weather forecast.

a) and

b) or

c) but

d) because

2. She’s not only intelligent __________ also hardworking, which makes her a valuable team member.

a) and

b) or

c) but

d) so

3. I can’t swim, __________ I’m afraid of water, which is why I avoid going to the pool.

a) and

b) because

c) but

d) or

4. She wanted to go shopping, __________ she didn’t have enough money, so she decided to window-shop instead.

a) and

b) so

c) or

d) yet

5. I’ll visit the museum, __________ I’ll also explore the nearby park to make the most of my day off.

a) but

b) because

c) and

d) or

6. He neither enjoys reading __________ watching movies, so he spends his free time playing video games.

a) and

b) nor

c) or

d) so

7. The weather was getting worse, __________ we decided to cancel the picnic and stay indoors.

a) so

b) but

c) or

d) because

8. They wanted to go for a hike, __________ they had to postpone their plans due to the heavy rain.

a) and

b) so

c) but

d) because

9. She’s allergic to peanuts, __________ she always checks food labels carefully before eating.

a) and

b) so

c) but

d) because

10. I enjoy listening to music __________ reading books, especially during long journeys.

a) but

b) and

c) so

d) or

Bài 7: Dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Anh có sử dụng liên từ kết hợp

  1. Anh ta không chỉ thông minh mà còn rất hài hước.

  2. Tôi thích ăn kem nhưng tôi không thích ăn bánh.

  3. Thời tiết trở nên xấu nên chúng tôi quyết định hủy kế hoạch dã ngoại và ở nhà.

  4. Cô ấy thích ngắm cảnh nhưng cô ấy không thích đi leo núi.

  5. Anh ấy muốn mua một chiếc điện thoại mới nhưng anh ấy không có đủ tiền.

  6. Tôi thích ngủ trưa nhưng tôi phải làm bài tập về nhà.

  7. Bà ấy không chỉ làm việc chăm chỉ mà còn luôn giữ gìn sức khỏe của mình.

  8. Tôi muốn đi du lịch vào mùa hè nhưng tôi cần phải tiết kiệm tiền.

  9. Chúng tôi sẽ xem phim hoặc chơi trò chơi đêm nay.

  10. Anh ấy không thích chơi thể thao, nhưng anh ấy rất yêu thích thể dục.

Đáp án: 

Bài 1: 

  1. a) and

  2. b) but

  3. c) or

  4. a) but

  5. b) but

  6. d) after

  7. a) and

  8. b) but

  9. c) or

  10. b) but

  11. d) in case

  12. d) so

  13. c) if

  14. a) so

  15. a) and

  16. a) but

  17. c) or

  18. b) so

  19. a) and

  20. b) but

Bài 2: 

  1. He likes to read books and watch movies.

  2. She wanted to buy a dress, but she didn't have enough money.

  3. We can go to the park or the museum.

  4. The weather was cold, so we decided to stay indoors.

  5. He is very talented, but he is still humble.

  6. You can have coffee or tea.

  7. She was hungry, so she made a sandwich.

  8. The car is old, but it runs very well.

  9. He studied hard, so he passed the exam.

  10. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.

  11. She loves painting and drawing.

  12. The cake was delicious and beautifully decorated.

  13. He wanted to play soccer, but his friends wanted to play basketball.

  14. She was very tired, but she kept working.

  15. We could stay home or go out.

  16. He is intelligent and hardworking.

  17. They were late, so they missed the bus.

  18. She enjoys singing and dancing.

  19. He tried hard, but he didn’t succeed.

  20. I can go to the store or wait for you here.

Bài 3: 

  1. but

  2. yet

  3. or

  4. but

  5. but

  6. and

  7. and

  8. but

  9. so

  10. but

Bài 4: 

  1. or

  2. so

  3. so

  4. but

  5. or

  6. and

  7. so

  8. and

  9. but

  10. or

  11. but

  12. so

  13. and

  14. nor

  15. but

  16. yet

  17. but

  18. but

  19. or

  20. Yet

Bài 5: 

  1. but, but, because, and, but

  2. so, and, but, and

  3. and, and, because, and, but

Bài 6: 

  1. b) or

  2. d) so

  3. c) but

  4. b) so

  5. c) and

  6. b) nor

  7. d) because

  8. c) but

  9. d) because

  10. b) and

Bài 7:

  1. He is not only intelligent but also very funny.

  2. I like ice cream but I don't like cake.

  3. The weather turned bad so we decided to cancel the picnic and stay indoors.

  4. She enjoys sightseeing but she doesn't like hiking.

  5. He wants to buy a new phone but he doesn't have enough money.

  6. I like taking naps but I have to do my homework.

  7. She not only works hard but also always takes care of her health.

  8. I want to travel in the summer but I need to save money.

  9. We will watch a movie or play games tonight.

  10. He doesn't like playing sports but he really enjoys exercising.

Bài viết đã cung cấp cho bạn tổng hợp các dạng bài tập liên từ lớp 6 cùng với đáp án chi tiết. Đừng ngại thử sức với các dạng bài tập khác nhau và tham khảo thêm các tài liệu hữu ích để nâng cao kiến thức của mình nhé! IELTS LangGo chúc các bạn thành công! 

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