Describe your favourite teacher là một chủ đề quen thuộc và không quá khó trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Cách tốt nhất để xử lý đề bài này nhanh gọn mà vẫn hiệu quả là bám sát theo các câu hỏi gợi ý mà đề bài đưa ra.
Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn giải đề Describe your favourite teacher IELTS Speaking chi tiết từ A đến Z cũng như cung cấp một số bài mẫu band 7.0+ để các bạn tham khảo.
Trong phần này, IELTS LangGo sẽ cùng bạn phân tích đề bài và hướng dẫn bạn cách lập dàn ý cho phần Speaking nhé.
Cue card: Describe Your Favourite Teacher (Miêu tả người giáo viên mà bạn yêu quý)
You should say:
Đề bài Describe your favourite teacher thuộc chủ đề lớn People. Để xử đẹp dạng bài này, các bạn nên bám sát vào các gợi ý trong IELTS cue card phía trên để có thể miêu tả chi tiết đối tượng, tránh lan man hay lạc đề.
Với câu hỏi đầu tiên trong đề bài “What this teacher looks like” , thí sinh cần miêu tả được ngoại hình, cách ăn mặc, phong thái của người đó. Bạn có thể đưa ra các chi tiết như: người đó bao nhiêu tuổi (trẻ, trung niên, già), người đó có vẻ bề ngoài thế nào, người đó thường mặc quần áo kiểu gì, …
Sau đó, thí sinh sẽ tiếp tục trả lời câu hỏi thứ hai về tích cách của người giáo viên ấy. Ở câu hỏi này, các bạn hoàn toàn có thể lồng ghép một cách khéo léo câu trả lời của 2 câu hỏi tiếp theo, người đó đã ảnh hưởng đến bạn như thế nào và giải thích lý do tại sao bạn lại yêu quý người ấy.
Tóm lại, những câu hỏi về ngoại hình, tính cách, hành động, lý do yêu thích có thể được sắp xếp lại thành một chuỗi như sau:
Là người như thế nào → Có hành động gì → Hành động đó ảnh hưởng đến bạn như thế nào.
Dựa vào những ý tưởng trên, các bạn có thể lập dàn ý ngắn gọn trong vòng 1 phút như sau:
What this teacher looks like
What sort of person this teacher is
How this person has influenced you + why you admire this teacher
Sau khi bạn đã có trong tay dàn ý cho Describe your favorite teacher cue card. Việc cần làm bây giờ là triển khai dàn ý ấy thành một bài nói khoảng 2 phút.
Sample 1:
I'd like to tell you about one of the excellent mentors I've been really fortunate to have throughout my academic years. She was a beloved instructor who inspired me to conquer challenges in life.
Her name is Minh. She’s in her fifties now but she looks younger than her age. She was slim with long black hair. She was my teacher in Geography lessons and also our headmaster throughout my high school years.
What impressed me the most about her was how dedicated she was to deliver in each lesson. In spite of the time constraints, she took care of each student in the class and assisted them in resolving any issues that arose.
Furthermore, she was regarded as an emotional advisor to all pupils. She came to me after class every time she saw me inattentive in class, to assist me to tackle that difficulty as well.
(IELTS LangGo)
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Sample 2:
Mr. Andrew Peters was a teacher at my primary school when I first met him. He was my mentor, and with his direct assistance and advice, I was able to overcome many of my life’s obstacles, both academic and personal. As a result, I am quite grateful to him and have been highly inspired by his teaching methods.
He was a fantastic teacher who used to educate in unique ways. In the classroom, he rarely used books or other teaching tools. He also had some additional tricks up his sleeve to impress the students. He helped his students with various issues and guided them as if they were his own children.
The other most essential aspect about him is that he used to communicate with the children’s parents. He kept the parents up to date on the newest information concerning their children on a regular basis. As a result, he became well-liked in the parent community.
This person has had a significant impact on me and my schooling. He was honest with all of his students and never favored any of them. It was his affection for all the students as if they were his own that drew me in. Whenever I shared with him a problem, he helped me find a solution. That’s why he will always be my favourite teacher.
(Nguồn: englishproficiency)
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Sample 3:
Her name is Ms. Lawlor. I actually don't remember her first name. Because English is a compulsory subject in secondary schools in Ireland, I saw her quite frequently, three or 4 times a week if I remember correctly.
Unlike other classes, I always looked forward to going to hers because she was open-minded. Many of the teachers I have had have been focused on achieving high exam scores whereas Ms. Lawlor seemed to be focused on learning. She encouraged us to be creative, which for me, was very inspiring. Also, she was also very patient, taking time to guide students who were struggling to understand the content of the lessons. I think most of my classmates would agree that she was an amazing teacher.
Ms. Lawlor was an unforgettable teacher for two reasons. First of all, she inspired me to read more. At that time, I was a moody teenager and thought reading was mind-numbing but with her guidance, I began picking up more books and continue to read regularly today. Secondly, although I didn't know it at the time, she would inspire me to follow in her footsteps. I mean, she probably influenced me to become an English language instructor. Occasionally, I look back on my time in her classes when planning my own lessons and try to replicate the atmosphere she created. I hope that one day I can inspire my students in the same way she inspired me.
(Nguồn: essentialielts)
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Trên đây, IELTS LangGo đã hướng dẫn bạn cách giải đề Describe your favourite teacher IELTS Speaking, đồng thời cung cấp các bài mẫu kèm từ vựng để các bạn tham khảo và vận dụng vào bài nói của mình.
Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp các bạn chinh phục đề bài này một cách dễ dàng, đồng thời có thể áp dụng vào các đề bài tương tự như: A teacher who has influenced you in your education, Describe a teacher you enjoyed being taught by, …
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